Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Other Crafting Projects

I'm putting together a wide selection of different products to sell at AWA, and my partner and I are also putting together some unique accessories and jewelry.  I enjoy making simple beaded earrings, so I've got a collection that will be coming with us.  I'm starting to branch out from there, but haven't finished anything at the moment.  So here's a sample of some of what I have at the moment. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Back and Ready For Action!

Dragon*Con was great!  I had a lot of fun with friends and was able to make it to one of the TNG panels that weekend so that I could hear Gates McFadden talk.  I was sooooooo happy since the first question asked was about the work she did with Jim Hensen.  *_*  If you didn't know, she did a lot of choreography for the Muppets, including the ballroom scene in the Labyrinth.  I was a happy little fan girl after leaving the panel.  ^_^

The Rocky Horror Plushies went over great.  Lips Down on Dixie were thrilled and most of them have been sold before Dragon*Con was over.  I'm looking forward to taking their next order within the next few weeks.

Rocky Horror Collection

The finished collection of Rocky Plushies. These can only be ordered through Lips Down on Dixie.

Now that my little vacation is over, it's time for me to get back to work.  I'm in the process of putting together several new styles of dolls.  This is the first time I'm going to be working on several completely original designs.  Wish me luck everyone.

I've also got several commissions lined up that are taking high priority on my to do list.  I'll have new pictures of a 10th Doctor, Graverobber and a Dragon Age plushie to name just a few.  It's going to be a good month for me.  If you're interested in a commission then please feel free to contact me ASAP to ensure that I don't fill up before you can place your order.