Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Trying to Collect Some Basic Information

Hello again everyone!  I've been really busy since the last time I posted anything.  I wasn't really sure what to share so I focused on work instead.  However, I have a few questions and I was hoping that those of you reading would take a few seconds to answer them.

Our crafting business has been growing and we're thrilled about it.  I'm always trying to figure out if there's more that we can do, so right now while I have a brief lull in between the rushes of cons, I thought I'd work out some of those new product ideas.  If you have the time, please click the link below and answer a few short questions to help me figure out what would be best to work on next.

Click Here for Rain's Survey

Thanks a bunch for your help.  I'm hoping to have some really cool ideas to share with everyone here as I put things together.